(* bise.m Algebraic Bisection for n variables. Version: 06.09.89, 17:59 *) (* Features: + own CoefficientList + Divide into 4 parts x Careful search strategie (to be implemented) + arbitrary dimensions - estimation: moredim: neglecting negative coefficients + estimation: onedim: summing up in a smart way + no Breaks[ ] in (More)CleanMaxList *) Unprotect[Power] 0^0 := 1 0. ^0 := 1 Protect[Power] Sub[f_,x_,y_] := If[x=={},f,Sub[f,Rest[x],Rest[y]]/.x[[1]]->y[[1]]] (* summ[i_,j_] := Block[{ee}, ee=e[[i,j]]; If[ee>0,e[[i,j]]=0;ee,0] + If[i<m,summ[i+1,j],0] + If[j<n,summ[i,j+1],0] ] *) Major[f_,x_] := Block[{fe,co,cl,i,su=0}, If[CheckMaxDim==1, cl=CoefficientList[f,x[[1]]]; For[i=Length[cl], i>=1, i--, su=su+cl[[i]]; If[su<0,su=0]]; su, fe = Expand[f]; If[TrueQ[Head[fe]==Plus], Sum[co=fe[[i]]; If[Head[co]==Times,co=fe[[i,1]]]; If[co<0,0,co,1], {i,1,Length[fe]}], co=If[Head[fe]==Times,fe[[1]],fe,fe]; If[co<0,0,co,1] ] ] ] Major::usage = " Major[f,{x1,x2,...}] determins the value of a majorant of f at the point (x1=1, x2=1, ...)" Surepos[g_,x_,a_,b_] := Block[{g1,Sya}, Sya=Array[Sy,Dimensions[x]]; g1 = Sub[g,x,a]; Major[g1-Sub[g,x,(Sya(b-a)+a)],Sya] < g1 ] Bounds[g_,x_,a_,b_] := Block[{g1,Bya}, (* lower and upper bounds of g in interval *) g1 = Sub[g,x,a]; Bya=Array[By,Dimensions[x]]; {g1 - Major[g1-Sub[g,x,(Bya(b-a)+a)], Bya], g1 + Major[Sub[g,x,(Bya(b-a)+a)]-g1, Bya]} ] CleanMaxList[T_] := Block[{i,j,flag,hl={}}, For[i=1, i<=Length[T], i++, flag=True; For[j=1, j<=Length[T] && TrueQ[flag], j++, flag = T[[j,1,1]]<T[[i,1,2]] ]; If[flag==True, AppendTo[hl,T[[i]]], Print["CleanMaxList has hit one !"], Print["flag in CML :",FullForm[flag]]; AppendTo[schrott,T[[i]]] ] ]; hl ] MoreCleanMaxList[T_] := Block[{i,j,flag,hl={}}, For[ i=1, i<=Length[T], i++, flag=True; For[ j=1, j<=Length[Checkx] && TrueQ[flag], j++, If[T[[i,3,j]]!=Checkb[[j]], flag = !Surepos[CheckD[[j]],Checkx,T[[i,2]],T[[i,3]]] ] ]; For[ j=1, j<=Length[Checkx] && TrueQ[flag], j++, If[T[[i,2,j]]!=Checka[[j]], flag = !Surepos[-CheckD[[j]],Checkx,T[[i,2]],T[[i,3]]] ] ]; If[flag==True, AppendTo[hl,T[[i]]], Print["MoreCleanMaxList has hit one !"], Print["flag in MCML:",FullForm[flag]]; AppendTo[schrott,T[[i]]] ] ]; hl ] DevideInt[a_,b_,i_] := (* Devide 1 Interval in respect to variable [i] *) Block[{m1,m2,m3,t1b,t2a,t2b,t3a,t3b,t4a}, (* Print["DevideInt[",a,",",b,",i=",i]; *) m2=(a[[i]]+b[[i]])/2; m1=(a[[i]]+m2)/2; m3=(m2+b[[i]])/2; t1b=b; t1b[[i]]=m1; t2a=a; t2a[[i]]=m1; t2b=b; t2b[[i]]=m2; t3a=a; t3a[[i]]=m2; t3b=b; t3b[[i]]=m3; t4a=a; t4a[[i]]=m3; {{Bounds[Checkg,Checkx,a,t1b],a,t1b}, {Bounds[Checkg,Checkx,t2a,t2b],t2a,t2b}, {Bounds[Checkg,Checkx,t3a,t3b],t3a,t3b}, {Bounds[Checkg,Checkx,t4a,b],t4a,b}} ] CheckMaxList[T_,n_] := Block[ {i,d,hl,nl,p}, If[n==0, T, hl=T; For[ d=1, d<=CheckMaxDim, d++, Print["Dividing variable ",d]; nl={}; For[ i=1, i<=Length[hl], i++, nl=Join[nl,DevideInt[hl[[i,2]],hl[[i,3]],d]] ]; Print[Length[nl]," Intervals. Starting Clean-Up."]; hl=MoreCleanMaxList[CleanMaxList[nl]] ]; CheckMaxList[hl,n-1] ] ] AbsMax::usage = "AbsMax[g,{x1,x2,...},{a1,a2,...},{b1,b2,...},n,sl] gives a list of intervals in one of that the absolute maximum of f in a1<x1<b1, a2<x2<b2, ... lies. n is the desired number of recursive subdivisions The list sl can be inputted as a starting list." AbsMax[g_,x_,a_,b_,n_:1,sl_:{}] := Block[ {i}, schrott = {}; Checka = a; Checkb = b; Checkg = g; Checkx = x; CheckMaxDim=Length[x]; CheckD = Table[D[g,x[[i]]],{i,Length[x]}]; If[sl=={}, CheckMaxList[{{{low,high},a,b}},n], CheckMaxList[sl,n]] ] (* prec and mach are useful routines for demonstration *) prec[T_] := N[T[[1,3]]-T[[1,2]]] mach[f_,var_,a_,b_,n_:5,width_:132] := Block[{i,j}, ResetMedium[PageWidth->132]; intlist={}; For[ i=1; tl={}, i<=n, i++, Print[" "]; AppendTo[tl,Reverse[ Timing[intlist=AbsMax[f,var,a,b,1,intlist];i]]]; tl >> bise.tl; Print[tl[[i]]," Precision=",prec[intlist]]; Print[Length[intlist], " Intervals remaining: {{f1,f2},{a1,a2,...},{b1,b2,....}"]; For[j=1, j<=Length[intlist], j++, Print[N[intlist[[j]],16]]] ]; If[$Display=={},$Display="bise.ps"]; ListPlot[tl/.Second->1, PlotJoined->True, AxesLabel->{"Iterations","CPUs per Iteration"} ] ] (* Example Cube *) cube = 100(x2-x1^3)^2 + (1-x1)^2 Plot3D[-cube,{x1,-1,2},{x2,-1,2},PlotLabel->"Cube"] machcube[n_:5] := mach[-cube,{x1,x2},{-1,-1},{2,2},n,80] (* Example Beale *) beale = (3/2 - x1(1-x2))^2 + (9/4 - x1(1-x2^2))^2 + (21/8 - x1(1-x2^3))^2 Plot3D[-beale,{x1,-1,2},{x2,-1,2},PlotLabel->"Beale"] machbeale[n_:5] := mach[-beale,{x1,x2},{-1,-1},{2,2},n,80] (* Example Wood *) wood = 100(x2-x1^2)^2 + (1-x1)^2 + 90(x4-x3^2)^2 + (1-x3)^2 + (101/10)((x2-1)^2+(x4-1)^2) + (198/10)(x2-1)(x4-1) machwood[n_:5] := mach[-wood,{x1,x2,x3,x4},{-1,-1,-1,-1},{2,2,2,2},n,80] (* Example n dim. *) machn[n_] := Block[{xx,aa}, xx = Array[x,{n}]; aa = Table[-1,{n}]; spin = Expand[Sum[-(x[i]-1/3)^2,{i,1,n}]]; Print[spin]; mach[spin,xx,aa,-aa,10,132] ]